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I offer Transpersonal Counselling sessions to help you move through a wide range of the challenges of being human.
In these sessions I draw upon tools from a range of modalities to support your journey of healing, growing, and thriving.
In addition to talk therapy, this might include art therapy, breathwork, guided meditation & mindfulness techniques, creative writing/journaling, or a range of other transpersonal process-based tools.
While these sessions can be effective for a very wide range of issues, I particularly work with depression & anxiety, stress management, trauma & PTSD, grief & loss, addiction, identity/spiritual crisis & integration for those working with plant medicines or other experiences with non-ordinary states of consciousness.
Outside of a clinical setting, I facilitate wilderness & adventure-based retreats for the opportunity to immerse yourself in your personal growth.
What is
Transpersonal Counselling?
Transpersonal Counselling is a holistic, humanistic, client-centred approach to the therapeutic process. It aims to bridge the gap between the healing wisdom of traditional cultures (such as connection to land, connection to the spiritual aspects of self, rites of passage, etc) and a modern Western understanding of consciousness, drawing heavily on the work of Carl Jung and Abraham Maslow.